Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cost of MBA

Jab tumne fwd kar hi di hai baat… to ab ho hi jaaye do do haath..

I write this in my true sense and belief that for me MBA is just a degree, and one that gives only a blip in one’s salary. But do you know what does it cost? You would say, it costs lacs of money (which could have been used in an enterprising venture), precious year(s), or the sleepless tensed unproductive theoretical nights. No! I actually costs Creativity and Conscience. Had I said this when raw from college, you would have bracketed this as “views of a pompous novice” and may be rightly so. But I avow this after having through 3 most happening years of work-ex where not only have I done my work but most importantly analyzed people , people who are successful managers from some hyped B-schools. There is only one thing that MBA teaches you, just two words “Y-e-s B-o-s-s”. Keep your boss happy who keeps his own and call each other “Successful”. And it makes your thinking so structured that thinking anything beyond either becomes too much tasking for your grey cells or may be too daring. But more importantly, it also has a bearing on the moldable young minds that are put under your custody.

Earlier I too, like any other, used to put the b-grads in double quotes thinking that they must be real smart solution enablers. Alas! the CAT is out of bag. Examining the thoughts of some of those maNuFaCtuRed mAnagERs in my dept and then comparing them with some real smart workers paints a very poor picture of them, one of “Soul Hungry of Creativity and Courage”. Of those, who have somehow convinced themselves that they are wise achievers, that they are a breed apart and of those who, though silently envy the enthusiasm of OtherWises ,every time impose that they posess finesse. Finesse my foot! I guess, the money it cost them has put a tag of Empty Ego on their thinking. Clouded Thinking!!

"a Bihari working on his do bheega jameen providing work to barah haaths is more of an achjiever than a sophisticated manager earning millions. He is better in-charge of his destiny!"

Those who can feel and value the confident deep breath after a day of dirtying hands would never sell it in exchange of some sedentary green moolahs. Never! Do you want me to believe that there can be any substitute for “on-the-shop-floor” real challenging experiences, .. come on! not at least in those theories of the self-proclaimed gurus. Problem is with this country, man. Its just a degree cravy nation where every thing gets covered if you have a degree, no matter what is the value-addition of it. Do you want me to believe that NRN and junta would have been better had they done a degree from a money minting firm which produces blocked heads……….., cut the crap!. One most admirable thing which struck me about UK was the freedom the youth there had. No pressure if you are not so good in studies or if you are a drop-out, its just okay. The opportunities will still beckon you. The society there never encourages you to follow the herd, because everything is acceptable and that everything has the respect. The youth there always has this vision to do something different, something that sells.. and instead not selling themselves. No doubt you have many a big companies started by the youths who preferred to start a kiosk of their own then selling their creativity for a Seal.

But then, who said that MBA germinates a Leader, it only vainly tries to manufacture a copy cat out of those clueless safe playing minds who consider something better than nothing. Some of them, who for some time did try to fight the stereotype but at last gave up and joined the bandwagon. Again, a lack of tenacity and hollowness of conviction in belief.

I know that may be I too one day would become 'one among the all', who could only think of doing something of his own but just could not follow his belief. I know you would question my b.tech degree on this line, but that I had to do because neither I was in charge of my own destiny nor the world appeared so big to me. But if I again go for just another degree, I would like to put it clearly on record right now, that I would be a Big FAILURE!!


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